Why Israel Won’t Change

The War in Gaza Will Likely Reinforce the Country’s Rightward Tilt By Dahlia Scheindlin | November 29, 2023 Almost from the moment Hamas broke through Israel’s security barrier with Gaza on October 7 and began its rampage, it felt like Israel would never be the same. Within hours, Israelis were forced to confront the reality that many…

Capitalism’s Green Revolution

How Private Finance Can Help Decarbonize the Economy By Pen Dr. Ibrahim online News | November 29, 2023 After decades of talking about climate change, governments and firms are finally taking action. As they gather in Dubai for the latest UN Climate Change Conference, many of the countries and organizations that pledged to cut emissions to…

How Commerce Can Save the Climate

The Case for a Green Free Trade Agreement By Pen Ibrahim online | February 28, 2023 Crisis looms for the planet. In November 2022, world leaders met in Egypt at the UN’s annual forum on climate change, known as the Conference of the Parties. Much like the previous 26 rounds of negotiations, COP27 did little to solve…

A Tale of Two Industrial Policies

How America and Europe Can Turn Trade Tensions Into Climate Progress By Pen Dr. Ibrahim online  | January 26, 2023 Tensions roiled the annual World Economic Forum meetings in Davos earlier this month. Anxious diplomats and business leaders wondered whether China and the United States might de-escalate their confrontation and bury the hatchet. While continuing to…

Mozambican state in the face of climate change

Climate Refugees As Cyclone Idai swept across Mozambique, it encountered a state weakened by an extractivist development model and captured by global capital, leaving ordinary Mozambicans exposed. On Thursday, March 14th, Cyclone Idai slammed into the Mozambican port city of Beira, destroying large sections of the city, before barreling towards Zimbabwe along one of the region’s most…

Salvini non accoglie la delegazione dei diritti dell’uomo

Salvini non accoglie la delegazione dei diritti dell’uomo 1  Marzo 2019 –  L’Europa rivela tutta la sua preoccupazione per quanto sta accadendo in Italia, Paese primo ospitante dei migranti e delle persone in arrivo dall’Africa. Una delegazione di eurodeputati della Sottocommissione Diritti dell’Uomo, con Antonio Panzeri (Gruppo dell’Alleanza progressista di Socialisti e Democratici al PE) e…

The United States of walls and rhetoric

The crisis within the U.S. government, which ensued from the border wall discussions and consequent government shutdown by all accounts, outweighs the ‘crisis’ President Trump seems to perceive in the southern border There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must take it…